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Vibrating Shapes

A project funded by IRCICA . Official website is here

This project is led by IRCICA (Lille, FR), and the partners are Muzzix (Lille, FR) and Junia (Lille, FR).

TOTeM (Touch the Music)

A project funded by Fondation de France and Fondation Malakoff Humanis. Detailed webpage is here

This project is led by Junia , and has Aéronef (concert venue in Lille, France) and Musique Pi Sourd (association promoting the practice of music by and for the Deaf) as partners.

More info here and here

Staccato (Sémiotique TActile pour une CommuniCATion cOllective -- Tactile semiotics for collective communication)

A PRC (collaborative research project) project funded by ANR (French national research agency) program. Detailed page is here .

The project started January 2020, running until June 2024. This project is led by LAM/d'Alembert (Paris, FR), and the partners are Junia (Lille, FR), IReMus (Paris, France), CRPMS (Paris, FR), and Praxiling (Montpellier, FR).