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Together with partners Aéronef (music venue in Lille, FR) and Musique Pi Sourd , we develop a device that transforms sound into vibrations... Also see here
There's a movie that explain a bit about the project and show its current state: click me (in French)


Workshop #4 (2023-01-04)

Workshop #3 (2022-11-02)

Workshop #2 (2022-06-21)

Workshop #1 (2022-05-10)


Concert #4 (2023-04-05)

At Aéronef (Lille, FR), during the shows by Les DeuxLuxes + Daddy Long Legs. Enrico (Vedanity affair) started our side show with his "perceive the music differently" demonstrations, and then we had the pleasure to have 15 newcomers testing or vibrating devices: welcome!

Concert #3 (2023-01-27)

At Aéronef (Lille, FR), during the shows by Ravage Club + Mlle K. Once again, we invited Enrico (Vedanity affair) for a session of music visualization

Concert #2 (2022-11-16)

At Le Flow (Lille, FR), during the "Bal lusitano" (Throes + The Shine / Batida / King Kami + Pedro Da Linha). Again, we invited Enrico (Vedanity affair) for a session of music visualization

Concert #1 (2022-07-12)

At Aéronef, during the shows by Star Feminine Band + BCUC: 2 test sessions. Also, Enrico (Vedanity affair) and Océane (sign language interpreter) demonstrated some visualization of sound

Concert #0 (2022-06-20)

Warming up during Aéro Easy Tour 2022...

2-day Residences

Residence #2 (2023-05-15/16)

The second residence was held at Aéronef. During two days we worked together on several topics: update on the project's progress (mainly about the sound-to-vibration devices), start designing the closing event for our project (in about 2 years from now... but better start early!), work/rehearsal for the band "Mur du Son", comparison of several vibrotactile devices, music visualization, etc.

Residence #1 (2022-04-19/20)

As a kickoff event for the project, we spent two days at Antre-deux (Université de Lille), Lille, FR, rediscovering the previous devices, and rebooting the development!


This project is funded by Fondation de France and Fondation Malakoff Humanis.

Previous iterations

This project inherits a former iteration (2019-2020) funded by Interreg FWVL (European program), with partner Hovertone , Mons, Belgium.