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Staccato (Sémiotique TActile pour une CommuniCATion cOllective -- Tactile semiotics for collective communication)

A PRC (collaborative research project) project funded by ANR (French national research agency) program.

The project started January 2020, running until June 2024. This project is led by LAM/d'Alembert (Paris, FR), and the partners are Junia (Lille, FR), IReMus (Paris, France), CRPMS (Paris, FR), and Praxiling (Montpellier, FR).

Within the frame of this project, I am supervising Quentin Consigny's PhD thesis (together with Jean-Loïc Le Carrou, d'Alembert/Sorbonne Université), which started October 2020 (expected defense date: September 2023).
I also supervised the MSc. internships of Valentin Mouton (experimental electroacoustic characterization of electrodynamic vibrotactile transducers), Nathan Ouvrai (perceptual threshold measurements of vibrotactile signals), and Vianney Blaise (web interface for the simultaneous display of experimental data including video, sound, text transcriptions, and vibrotactile signals).