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  1. Sensory Experiences: Exploring meaning and the senses. Collective book, editors: Danièle Dubois, Caroline Cance, Matt Coler, Arthur Paté, Catherine Guastavino. Amsterdam (NL): John Benjamins Publishing (2021).

Book chapters

  1. Perceptual Evaluation of the Quantization Level of a Vibrotactile Signal. Q. Consigny, A. Paté, J.-L. Le Carrou. In Haptic and Audio Interaction Design, C. Saitis, I. Farkhatdinov, S. Papetti (Eds). Cham (CH): Springer (2022)
  2. TOuch ThE Music: Displaying live Music intro Vibrations. A. Paté, N. d'Alessandro, A. Gréciet, C. Bruggeman. In Haptic and Audio Interaction Design, C. Saitis, I. Farkhatdinov, S. Papetti (Eds). Cham (CH): Springer (2022)
  3. An acoustician's approach of the solid body electric guitar. Arthur Paté, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou, Benoît Fabre. In Quand la guitare s'électrise -- When the guitar goes electric, Philippe Bruguière, Philippe Gonin, Benoît Navarret (Eds.), Paris (FR): Cité de la Musique (2022).
  4. Chapter 1: The five senses and the cognitivist approach of perception. Danièle Dubois, Caroline Cance, Matt Coler, Arthur Paté. In Sensory Experiences: Exploring meaning and the senses. Danièle Dubois, Caroline Cance, Matt Coler, Arthur Paté, Catherine Guastavino (Eds), Amsterdam (NL): John Benjamins (2021).
  5. Chapter 6: Exploring and talking about music. Arthur Paté, Pascal Gaillard. In Sensory Experiences: Exploring meaning and the senses. Danièle Dubois, Caroline Cance, Matt Coler, Arthur Paté, Catherine Guastavino (Eds), Amsterdam (NL): John Benjamins (2021).
  6. Chapter 9: From perception to sensory experiences : A paradigm shift ?, Danièle Dubois, Caroline Cance, Matt Coler, Arthur Paté, Catherine Guastavino. In Sensory Experiences: Exploring meaning and the senses. Danièle Dubois, Caroline Cance, Matt Coler, Arthur Paté, Catherine Guastavino (Eds), Amsterdam (NL): John Benjamins (2021).
  7. Chapter 10: Questioning sensory experience. Danièle Dubois, Caroline Cance, Matt Coler, Arthur Paté, Catherine Guastavino. In Sensory Experiences: Exploring meaning and the senses. Danièle Dubois, Caroline Cance, Matt Coler, Arthur Paté, Catherine Guastavino (Eds), Amsterdam (NL): John Benjamins (2021).
  8. Chapter 12: From stimulations to stimuli construction and selection. Danièle Dubois, Caroline Cance, Arthur Paté, Matt Coler. In Sensory Experiences: Exploring meaning and the senses. Danièle Dubois, Caroline Cance, Matt Coler, Arthur Paté, Catherine Guastavino (Eds), Amsterdam (NL): John Benjamins (2021).
  9. Chapter 13: Procedures and outcomes. Danièle Dubois, Caroline Cance, Arthur Paté. In Sensory Experiences: Exploring meaning and the senses. Danièle Dubois, Caroline Cance, Matt Coler, Arthur Paté, Catherine Guastavino (Eds), Amsterdam (NL): John Benjamins (2021).
  10. Chapter 15: The Free Sorting Task : Procedure and data analysis. Arthur Paté, Danièle Dubois, Catherine Guastavino. In Sensory Experiences: Exploring meaning and the senses. Danièle Dubois, Caroline Cance, Matt Coler, Arthur Paté, Catherine Guastavino (Eds), Amsterdam (NL): John Benjamins.
  11. FA-RE-MI (Faire parler les instruments de musique du patrimoine): Making Historical Musical Instruments Speak. Stéphane Vaiedelich, Henri Boutin, Arthur Paté, Arthur Givois, Benoît Fabre, Sandie Le Conte, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou. Pp. 325-341, in Wooden Musical Instruments -- Different Forms of Knowledge / Book of End of WoodMusICK COST Action FP1302, edited by Marco A. Pérez and Emanuele Marconi. Paris (FR): Cité de la Musique Publishing (2018)


  1. Lutherie de la guitare électrique solid body : aspects mécaniques et perceptifs. Arthur Paté, PhD thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France. Supervision: Jean-Loïc Le Carrou, Benoît Fabre. Jury: Catherine Guastavino, François Gautier, Étienne Parizet, Vincent Doutaut, Laurent Gagliardini, Vincent Martin, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou, Benoît Fabre (2014)
  2. Étude vibroacoustique et perceptive de guitares électriques. Arthur Paté, MSc thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France. Supervision: Jean-Loïc Le Carrou, Benoît Navarret, Danièle Dubois (2011)

Peer-reviewed articles

  1. Two rapid alternatives compared to the staircase method for the estimation of the vibrotactile perception threshold. Arthur Paté, Nathan Ouvrai, Quentin Consigny, Claudia Fritz. IEEE Transactions on Haptics (accepted)
  2. Radiated Sound and Transmitted Vibration Following the Ball/Racket Impact of a Tennis Serve. Arthur Paté, Maxime Petel, Nesrine Belhassen, Delphine Chadefaux. Vibration 7:894-911. DOI: 10.3390/vibration7040047 (2024)
  3. Vibrotactile thresholds on the wrist for vibrations normal to the skin. Quentin Consigny, Nathan Ouvrai, Arthur Paté, Claudia Fritz, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou. IEEE Transactions on Haptics 16(4):628-633. DOI: 10.1109/TOH.2023.3275185 (2023)
  4. Perception of loudness changes induced by a phononic crystal in specific frequency bands. Nicolas Côté, Arthur Paté, Charles Croënne, Jérôme Vasseur, Anne-Christine Hladky-Hennion. Acta Acustica 6(42). DOI: doi.org/10.1051/aacus/2022037 (2022)
  5. Vocabulary to speak about touch: analysis of the discourse of electric guitar players. Paul Cambourian, Arthur Paté, Caroline Cance, Benoît Navarret, Jérôme Vasseur. Acta Acustica 6(2). DOI: 10.1051/aacus/2021052 (2022)
  6. Pairing a beer with a soundtrack: Is it guided by geographical identity? Mathilde Vandenberghe-Descamps, Arthur Paté, Sylvie Chollet. Food Quality and Preference. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodqual.2021.104432 (2021)
  7. Combining audio and visual displays to highlight temporal and spatial seismic patterns Arthur Paté, Gaspard Farge, Benjamin K. Holtzman, Anna C. Barth, Piero Poli, Lapo Boschi, Leif Karlstrom. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces. DOI: 10.1007/s12193-021-00378-8 (2021)
  8. Sonification and animation of multivariate data to illuminate dynamics of geyser eruptions. Anna Barth, Leif Karlstrom, Ben Holtzman, Arthur Paté, Avinash Nayak. Computer Music Journal 44(1):17-34 (2021). DOI: 10.1162/comj_a_00551
  9. Influence of the player on the dynamics of the electric guitar. Jean-Loïc Le Carrou, Arthur Paté, Baptiste Chomette. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 146(5):3123-3130 (2019). DOI: 10.1121/1.5130894
  10. Machine learning reveals cyclic changes in seismic source spectra in Geysers geothermal field. Benjamin K. Holtzman, Arthur Paté, John Paisley, Felix Waldhauser, Douglas Repetto. Science Advances 2018-4:eaao2929 (2018). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aao2929
  11. On the perception of audified seismograms. Lapo Boschi, Laurianne Delcor, Jean‐Loïc Le Carrou, Claudia Fritz, Arthur Paté, Benjamin Holtzman. Seismological Research Letters 88(5):1279-1289 (2017). DOI: 10.1785/0220170077
  12. Perception of Harpsichord Plectra Voicing. Arthur Paté, Arthur Givois, Sandie Le Conte, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou, Michèle Castellengo, Stéphane Vaiedelich. Acta Acustica united with Acustica 103(4):685-704 (2017). DOI: 10.3813/AAA.919097
  13. Influence of plectrum shape and jack velocity on the sound of the harpsichord: an experimental study. Arthur Paté, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou, Arthur Givois, Alexandre Roy. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141(3):1523-1534 (2017). DOI: 10.1121/1.4976955
  14. Auditory display of seismic data: On the use of experts' categorizations and verbal descriptions as heuristics for geoscience. Arthur Paté, Lapo Boschi, Danièle Dubois, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou, Ben Holtzman. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141(3):2143-2162 (2017)
  15. Perceived unpleasantness of aircraft flyover noise: influence of temporal parameters. Arthur Paté, Catherine Lavandier, Antoine Minard, Ingrid Le Griffon. Acta Acustica united with Acustica 103(1):34-47 (2017). DOI: 10.3813/AAA.919031
  16. Categorization of seismic sources by auditory display: A blind test. Arthur Paté, Lapo Boschi, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou, Benjamin Holtzman. International journal of human-computer studies 85:57-67 (2016). DOI: j.ijhcs.2015.08.002
  17. Modal parameter variability in industrial electric guitar making: Manufacturing process, wood variability, and lutherie decisions. Arthur Paté, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou, Benoît Fabre Applied Acoustics 96:118-131 (2015). DOI: 10.1016/j.apacoust.2015.03.023
  18. Evolution of the modal behaviour of nominally identical electric guitars during the making process.Arthur Paté, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou, Franck Teissier, Benoît Fabre. Acta Acustica united with Acustica 101(3):567-580 (2015). DOI: 10.3813/AAA.918853
  19. Influence of the electric guitar's fingerboard wood on guitarists' perception. Arthur Paté, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou, Benoît Navarret, Danièle Dubois, Benoît Fabre. Acta Acustica united with Acustica 101(2):347-359 (2015). DOI: 10.3813/AAA.918831
  20. Predicting the decay time of solid body electric guitar tones. Arthur Paté, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou, Benoît Fabre. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 135(5):3045-3055 (2014). DOI: 10.1121/1.4871360

Conferences with proceedings

  1. Transmission of vibration from the instrument to the fingers during guitar playing. Romain Caron, Nathan Forier David, Arthur Paté, Delphine Chadefaux. Congress of the French Biomechanics Society (SB), Grenoble, FR (2023)
  2. Vibrotactile thresholds on the wrist for vibrations normal to the skin. Quentin Consigny, Nathan Ouvrai, Arthur Paté, Claudia Fritz, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou. World Haptics Conference, Delft, NL (2023)
  3. TOuch ThE Music: Displaying live Music intro Vibrations. Arthur Paté, Nicolas d'Alessandro, Audrey Gréciet, Clémence Bruggeman. International Workshop on Haptic & Audio Interaction Design, London, UK (2022)
  4. Vibrating shapes: Design and evolution of a spatial augmented reality interface for actuated instruments. Çagan Arslan, Florent Berthaut, Anthony Beuchey, Paul Cambourian, Arthur Paté. International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Auckland, New-Zealand (2022).
  5. Caractérisation par l'étude de l'impédance électrique d'un transducteur électro-dynamique mécaniquement chargé par différents matériaux. Quentin Consigny, Arthur Paté, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou, Hugues Genevois. 16ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Marseille, France (2022).
  6. Évaluation perceptive du niveau de quantification d'un signal vibrotactile. Quentin Consigny, Arthur Paté, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou. 16ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Marseille, France (2022).
  7. Understanding the vibrotactile feedback of the electric guitar: Methodology for a physical and perceptual study. Paul Cambourian, Oscar Gal, Arthur Paté, Simon Benacchio, Jérôme Vasseur. Proceedings of AudioMostly, Trento, Italy (2021).
  8. Investigating the vocabulary used by electric guitar players to speak about touch. Paul Cambourian, Arthur Paté, Caroline Cance, Benoı̂t Navarret, Jérôme Vasseur. Proceedings of Forum Acusticum, Lyon France (2020).
  9. Human and Machine Listening of Seismic Data. Arthur Paté, Benjamin Holtzman, Felix Waldhauser, Douglas Repetto, John Paisley. ICAD (International Conference on Auditory Display), Penn State University, USA (2017)
  10. Harpsichord voicing: The player's auditive and tactile perception. Arthur Paté, Arthur Givois, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou, Sandie Le Conte, Stéphane Vaiedelich. ISMRA (International Symposium on Musical and Room Acoustics), La Plata, Argentina (2016)
  11. Un dispositif de mesure des caractéristiques géométriques et mécaniques de becs de clavecin (A measurement apparatus for geometrical and mechanical characteristics of harpsichord plectra). Arthur Givois, Arthur Paté, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou, Sandie Le Conte, Stéphane Vaiedelich. Congrès français d'Acoustique (French Congress on Acoustics), Le Mans, France, pp. 1785-1791 (2016)
  12. Influence of temporal aspects of aircraft sound signature on perceived unpleasantness. Arthur Paté, Catherine Lavandier, Antoine Minard. Internoise, pp. 1805-1816 (2015)
  13. Can auditory display help us categorize seismic signals? Lapo Boschi, Arthur Paté, Ben Holtzman, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou. ICAD (International Conference on Auditory Display), Graz, Austria (2015)
  14. Modal parameter variability in industrial electric guitar manufacturing. Arthur Paté, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou, Benoît Fabre. ISMA/USD (Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics), Leuven, Belgium (2014)
  15. Influence of the instrumentalist on the electric guitar vibratory behaviour. Jean-Loïc Le Carrou, Baptiste Chomette, Arthur Paté. ISMA (International Symposium on Musical Acoustics), Le Mans, France, pp. 413-417 (2014)
  16. Monitoring of the making process of a handcrafted electric guitar. Arthur Paté, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou, Franck Teissier, Benoît Fabre. ISMA (International Symposium on Musical Acoustics), Le Mans, France (2014)
  17. Influence de la touche de la guitare électrique : analyses perceptive et vibratoire. Arthur Paté, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou, Benoît Navarret, Danièle Dubois, Benoît Fabre. Congrès français d'Acoustique (French Congress on Acoustics), Poitiers, France, pp. 1129-1134 (2014)
  18. Ebony vs. rosewood: experimental investigation about the influence of the fingerboard on the sound of a solid body electric guitar. Arthur Paté, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou, Benoît Fabre. SMAC (Stockholm Musical Acoustics Conference), pp. 182-187 (2013)
  19. A vibro-acoustical and perceptive study of the neck-to-body junction of a solid-body electric guitar. Arthur Paté, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou, Benoît Navarret, Danièle Dubois, Benoît Fabre. Acoustics, Nantes, France (2012)
  20. About the electric guitar: a cross-disciplinary context for an acoustical study. Arthur Paté, Benoît Navarret, Régis Dumoulin, Jean-Loic Le Carrou, Benoit Fabre, Vincent Doutaut. Acoustics, Nantes, France (2012)

Conferences without proceedings

  1. Experiments in perception of spatio-temporal patterns and dynamics through combined sonic and visual representation of natural data. . Ben Holtzman, Anna Barth, Eric Beauce, Leif Karlstrom, Jason Candler, Arthur Pate, Seth Cluett, Douglas Repetto, Lapo Boschi, Piero Poli, Gaspard Farge, Josh Russell, Martin Pratt , Brian House, Karen Mair.AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA (2023).
  2. How to link the player's feel to a physical measure? Delphine Chadefaux, Thomas Daney, Arthur Paté, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou. European College of Sport Science, Paris, France (2023).
  3. Évaluation des raquettes de padel : lien entre perception et indicateurs biomécaniques/vibratoires. Thomas Daney, Delphine Chadefaux, Arthur Paté, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou. ACAPS, Grenoble, France (2023).
  4. VS: Improvising with Vibrating Virtual Entities. Sébastien Beaumont, Ivann Cruz, Arthur Paté, Florent Berthaut. International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Mexico City, MX (2023)
  5. Data sonification and The Volcano Listening Project. Leif Karlstrom, Benjamin Holtzman, Anna Barth, Josh Crozier, Arthur Paté. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA (2022).
  6. Audification and sonification of scientific data: listening to pressure records and meteorological data. Pierre Henry, Arthur Paté. Marmara Workshop, Marseille, France (2022).
  7. Sonification of very low frequency signals: Listening to seafloor pressure and meteorological time series. Pierre Henry, Léa Kaczmarek, Arthur Paté. Virtual Geoscience Conference, Marseille, France (2021).
  8. Vibrotactile, audio, and visual augmentation of an electric guitar: How is it perceived? Arthur Paté, Florent Berthaut, Paul Cambourian, Boris Légal, Anthony Beuchey. IEEE World Haptics Conference, Workshop "Multimodal Augmentation of Haptic Touch Input". (2021)
  9. Pairing a beer with a soundtrack, guided by geographical identity? Mathilde Vandenberghe-Descamps, Salamata Baldé, Arthur Paté, Sylvie Chollet. 9th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research (Eurosense), Rotterdam, the Netherlands (2020).
  10. Spatialized seismic soundscapes: exploring seismic data in virtual reality. Arthur Paté, Benjamin K. Holtzman, Lapo Boschi, Gaspard Farge, Anna C. Barth, Seth A. Cluett, Martin Pratt, Jason Candler, Douglas Repetto, Leif Karlstrom, Josh Crozier, Piero Poli, Kristina Okamoto, Johanna Nelson. CMMR (Conference on Multidisciplinary Music Research), Marseille, France (2019) ***Best Demo Award***
  11. Bottom pressure record of resonant oscillations in the Sea of Marmara. Pierre Henry, Sinan Özeren, Nazmi Postacıoğlu, Cristel Chevalier, Nurettin Yakupoğlu, Emmanuel de Saint-Léger, Olivier Desprez de Gésincourt, Ziyadin Çakir, M Namik Çağatay, Arthur Paté, Louis Géli. EGU (European Geosciences Union) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (2019)
  12. Machine listening for earthquake source characterization: subtle spectral differences indicate changes in thermal-mechanical state in geothermal reservoirs. Ben Holtzman, Felix Waldhauser, John Paisley, Arthur Paté, Patricia Martínez-Garzón, Grzegorz Kwiatek, Lapo Boschi, Nicholas van der Elst. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, USA (2018)
  13. Audio-based, unsupervised machine learning reveals cyclic changes in earthquake mechanisms in the Geysers geothermal field, California. Ben Holtzman, Arthur Paté, John Paisley, Felix Waldhauser, Douglas Repetto, Lapo Boschi. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, USA (2017)
  14. SeismoDome: Sonic and visual representation of earthquakes and seismic waves in the planetarium. Ben Holtzman, Jason Candler, Douglas Repetto, Martin Pratt, Arthur Paté, Matthew Turk, Lucia Gualtieri, Daniel Peter, Vivian Trakinski, Denton Ebel, Joachim Gossmann, Nolan Lem. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, USA (2017)
  15. Investigating multimodal perception during the musical performance: The case of harpsichord voicing. Arthur Paté, Arthur Givois, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou, Michèle Castellengo, Sandie Le Conte, Stéphane Vaiedelich. Meetings of the Acoustical Society of America, Boston, USA (2017)

Invited talks and seminars, short courses

  1. Short Course "How can deaf people access live music in concert? A presentation of European project Totem (Touch the music)" @ H2020-MSCA-ITN Project "MultiTouch" (2020)
  2. Invited talk @ Open Lab, Université Catholique de Lille (2019)
  3. Seminars on Acoustics @ MSc. in Acoustics of Sorbonne Université (2019, 2021)
  4. Internal seminar @ LIB/Sorbonne (2018)
  5. Short Course on Auditory Display @ H2020-MSCA-ITN Project "Waves" (2017)
  6. Internal seminar @ LDEO-SGT/Columbia (2017)
  7. Internal seminar @ Laboratoire de géologie/ENS (2016)
  8. Internal seminar @ UME/ENSTA (2015)
  9. Internal seminar @ ISTeP/UPMC (2015)
  10. Internal seminar @ LVA/INSA-Lyon (2015)


  1. (article) Earth Is Noisy. Why Should Its Data Be Silent? Leif Karlstrom, Ben Holtzman, Anna Barth, Josh Crozier, Arthur Paté. EOS, Science News by AGU (2023)
  2. (article) Sonification pour l'exploration et l'analyse de données -- Résultats récents et perspectives via l'exemple de la sismologie. Arthur Paté, Lapo Boschi, Laurianne Delcor, Ben Holtzman, Danièle Dubois, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou, Claudia Fritz. Acoustique et Technique 88 (2018)
  3. (oral communication) Schaeffer and Schafer: When musiciens promote scientific hypotheses on auditory experience. Catherine Guastavino, Arthur Paté, Pascal Gaillard. Uncommon Senses 2, Montreal, Canada (2018)
  4. (oral communication) Cyclic changes in micro-seismicity in the Geysers geothermal field, as revealed by Machine Listening. Ben Holtzman, Arthur Paté, John Paisley, Felix Waldhauser, Douglas Repetto. Lamont Data Science Symposium, Palisades, USA (2017)
  5. (poster) Ebony & rosewood electric guitar fingerboards: do they really sound different? Arthur Paté, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou, Benoît Fabre. SMAC (Stockholm Musical Acoustics Conference) (2013)
  6. (poster) Symmetrical vs. asymmetrical electric guitar: what change for sound? . Arthur Paté , JJCAAS, Rennes, France (2012)
  7. (poster) Étude vibratoire et perceptive de guitares électriques . Arthur Paté, JJCAAS, Rennes, France (2011)

About our work, in the media

  1. Earth Is Noisy. Why Should Its Data Be Silent?
  2. here
  3. Quand le musicien entend avec ses doigts.
  4. here
  5. Perception des changements d’intensité sonore induits par un cristal phononique dans des bandes de fréquences spécifiques
  6. here
  7. La Chronique Innovation
  8. Radio Podcast on RCF, available here
  9. TOTEM: TOuch ThE Music
  10. article by La Fondation du Toucher, online at this address
  11. Forskning: Tonetræs betydning er overvurderet. Andreas Staarup Madsen. Apache - magasinet for danske guitarister (June 2018)
  12. Neck Joints, Science, and Sound Opinions. Heiko Hoepfinger. Premier Guitar, pp. 112-114 (May 2017)

Reviews and other duties

I've been a reviewer for the following journals: and for the following conferences: I had the honor of serving as chair for session "Musical Applications" of HAID 2022

Supervision and review of student's work

I've been an external reviewer for:
  • 1 PhD thesis (McGill University)
  • 1 MSc thesis (McGill University)
I'm currently supervising the PhD thesis of
  • Thomas Daney
  • (with LAM/d'Alembert, UMR CNRS 7190, Paris, France & Institut de Biomécanique Humaine Georges Charpak, Paris, France)
I've supervised the PhD theses of and I have supervised 20 interns and research assistants.