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Multimodal feedback for musicians

I supervised Paul Cambourian's PhD. The thesis entitled "Caractérisation et perception du retour vibrotactile : cas de la guitare électrique." -- "Characterization and perception of the vibrotactile feedback: the case of the electric guitar" was defended on December 15.

Jury included Jean-François Petiot (Centrale Nantes, FR), Nicolas Dauchez (UTC, FR), Claudia Fritz (CNRS, FR), Henri Boutin (IRCAM, FR), Caroline Cance (Univ. Orléans, FR), Bertrand Verine (Univ. P. Valéry, FR), Jérôme Vasseur (Univ. Lille, FR), and Arthur Paté (Junia, FR). Paul's manuscript available soon!

Multimodal feedback for athletes (in particular padel players)

Thomas Daney's thesis started October 2022, co-supervised with Delphine Chadefaux (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord / Institut de Biomécanique Humaine Georges Charpak) and Jean-Loïc Le Carrou (Sorbonne Université / d'Alembert).

Thomas works on the link between the wearing of padel rackets and the risk of injuries, with experimental methods from the fields of experimental vibratory analysis and sound/vibration perception.
This thesis project is funded by the GDR "Sport et activité physique" of the CNRS.

OK... this picture is no padel picture, not yet... but it comes from preliminary measurements we made prior to Thomas' work. More soon on this!